What does every nine month pregnant mother need? A 28 pound 22 month old with a non waterproof, unable to walk broken leg! A week before I had Charlie, Will fell off the neighbors slide and broke his leg. I didn't realize the impact it would have on us until I heard 'the cast can't be waterproof', 'it has to go from his thigh to his toes', and 'he shouldn't walk in it.' This is what we came home with-
Two days later, we went back to the Orthopedic Surgeon and got a cast. It was nice because his leg was protected, but it was really hard for him to get around. He figured it out pretty quickly.
Two weeks after the cast we went back for x-rays and they were able to put Will in a walking boot. This was sooooo much better. I could take it off for baths and it fit him below the knee. (Although the smell was unbearable when you took it off!)
Throughout the whole ordeal, Will did awesome. He never complained. He just went about his business. My mother in law said it the best-Don't tell him he has a broken leg, I don't think he knows!
That's so sad! For both him and you! I'm glad he is better now.
How is your son recovering? Which bone did he break... did it occur along the growth plate? (My 19 month old has a broken tibia... very concerned about long term growth effects... would be interested to hear more about your son's experience.)
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